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Imprint PreZero International

Site operator of prezero-international.com and responsible for all content

PreZero Stiftung & Co. KG
Stiftsbergstraße 1
74172 Neckarsulm
Registered office: Neckarsulm

District Court of Stuttgart: HRA 734783 
VAT ID: DE319559121 

PreZero Stiftung & Co. KG is represented by the Xi-Stiftung based in Dresden, State Directorate of Saxony, reference no. AZ 20-2245/591DD21-2245/591, which in turn is represented by two members of the executive board with authority of joint representation, including Wolf Tiedemann and Dietmar Böhm.

Email: service@int.prezero.com
Telephone: +49 7132 30 77 33 44 (ext. Servicehotline)