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Packaging Consulting

PreZero Sustainable Packaging’s consulting concept covers all relevant aspects to give you a solid basis for your decisions.

Our services: packaging projects, workshops, and more

As a packaging manufacturer, packaging distributor, or retailer, you want to use packaging that is sustainable, reduces your costs, and impresses consumers at the PoS.

The 360° packaging consulting service from PreZero Sustainable Packaging enables you to make informed decisions that consider sustainability, economics, feasibility, and marketing.

Through our work within the Schwarz Group, we have a wealth of packaging expertise and extensive knowledge of the value chain. As a result, we are uniquely equipped to help you navigate the demands of retail, the packaging industry, waste management and regulatory requirements.

With excellent knowledge of end-of-life cost structures and services such as packaging project implementation, customized workshops, and potential analysis, together we can make your packaging fit for the future.

PreZero Sustainable Packaging’s consulting expertise includes


Sustainable Packaging

Take advantage of the PreZero SPOT online tool. Our digital solution allows you to assess the recyclability of your packaging and proactively make it more sustainable. The straightforward analysis of your portfolio based on relevant standards gives you the information you need to make your products sustainable - so you can meet retail, consumer and regulatory requirements while protecting the environment. 

We advise on the ecological balance of different packaging materials and systems.

What types of packaging and materials are most likely to be improperly disposed of or to result in microplastics entering the environment? We can advise on this.


Potential and feasible improvements     

We work with you to assess the technical capacity of your production site and examine how you can optimize the sustainability of your packaging with your existing facilities. 

When producing sustainable packaging, it is essential to consider guidelines and regulations. We can help you ensure that all relevant packaging regulations are factored into your plans.

Our extensive experience and knowledge of packaging production makes us the perfect partner to help you organize and implement your plans.

Economic efficiency 

Reduce packaging costs

Can your equipment operate at the same speed after changing packaging? Can you reduce logistics costs by improving pallet utilization? We can give you expert advice on all cost-related issues.

What are the potential savings on license fees in dual systems? Together with our colleagues from PreZero Dual, we can advise you on this.

Eco-modulation, Section 21 of the German Packaging Ordinance, litter funds, plastic tax: The fees on packaging are increasing. We help you to avoid them wherever possible.

Visual Sustainable Packaging

How We Get Sustainable Packaging on the shelves

The right measure for every stage of development - from the initial analysis of your portfolio to the shelves in the store. Our 360° packaging consulting approach provides the services and support you need across the entire value chain:


Put our expertise in sustainable packaging to work for you.

Put our expertise in sustainable packaging to work for you. With our expert knowledge of end-of-life cost structures (licenses and fees), sorting and recycling processes, and retailerrequirements, we are here to help you not only with advice, but also with actual implementation.

The goal of our workshops is to ensure you have the information you need in four key areas: What requirements do you need to meet as a packaging distributor, packaging manufacturer, or retailer? How can you improve your packaging? What do you need to know about sorting and recycling? And what does a sustainability roadmap look like?

Sustainable Packaging Anforderung

1. Requirements

There are many stakeholders and they all have their own specific requirements when it comes to packaging. These include legislators, brand owners, NGOs, retailers and consumers. We give you an overview of the relevant requirements and help you to navigate through the different demands without being thrown off course. 

Sustainable Packaging Optimierung

2. Optimization

The goal is to optimize your packaging so that it fits your products perfectly and meets all other applicable requirements. Thanks to our activities along the value chain and our relationships with retailerss, we have the experience and expertise to make your packaging optimization a success.

Sustainable Packaging Sortierung

3. Sorting & Recycling

Sorting and recycling is part of our core business at PreZero. We explain how packaging is collected, sorted and recycled, and how you can apply this knowledge to your own packaging. 

Sustainable Packaging Roadmapping

4. Sustainability Roadmapping

Packaging doesn’t become more recyclable overnight. We work with you to develop a strategy with a phased implementation plan so that you can make your portfolio more sustainable over a reasonable period of time, taking into account all relevant factors. 

We’re on the Case: Packaging Projects for Sustainable Success

PreZero Sustainable Packaging knows and understands the needs of the retail industry and provides a one-stop-shop for all your packaging project needs. To make packaging more sustainable, we consult with distributors throughout the value chain and provide project management support. 

Because PreZero has expertise in all stages of the value chain, we understand the requirements at each step of a packaging project and can coordinate partners and stakeholders. There are many ways to save time and reduce costs - and we’re here to show you how! 

Contact us now!

360° Packaging Consulting Shows You the Way to Future-proof Packaging

Want to expand your portfolio with sustainable packaging that meets the demands of retailers, consumers, regulators and the environment? Our PreZero 360° packaging consulting service covers all the relevant aspects so that you have a solid basis for your decisions. Together, we can create packaging that is fit for the future.