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What makes us unique

Improvement is our drive, change is our mission.

Mitarbeiter Trio Wertstoffhof LKW Logo

Shaping the future together

Zero waste, 100 percent reusable material

All PreZero employees have committed themselves to the same idea: reducing the consumption of natural resources, reducing waste and shaping the future with sustainable and efficient solutions.

Every new concept eases the burden on the environment, every decision can help preserve natural resources. Assuming responsibility for the environment and for the people go hand in hand. For this reason, we are streamlining processes in order to use resources profitably and optimize structures sustainably. Every unnecessary step is one step too many.

Every additional gram of CO2 produced is one gram too much. And any waste that is not recycled is a wasted piece of raw material. With this in mind, we continue to improve our processes – from logistics to the handling of waste. We connect economy with ecology.

Our Vision

New thinking for a cleaner tomorrow.

Team Buero Laptop Meeting 5 Personen

Unique opportunities for new recycling loops

As part of the Schwarz Group, we have unique opportunities to develop new recycling loops, thereby reducing the consumption of natural resources.

Since we are backed by one of the largest retailers in the world, we can take the entire value chain into consideration – from production to retail, collection, sorting and recycling to reuse – and develop unprecedented solutions.

Our Values

Our goal: Zero waste of resources along the entire value chain

For our team, this means nothing is impossible. And to make the impossible possible, we need lateral thinkers and pragmatists who are willing to take on joint responsibility.

Our History

In 2009, our company was founded under the name GreenCycle, originating from a department in waste disposal logistics of the retail company Lidl. As PreZero, we have grown to become the environmental division of the Schwarz Group with:

Piktogramm green locations

~ 460

Piktogramm gruen Herz

~ 30.000

Pictogram gruen planet


Piktogramm green vehicle

> 12.200


Then and now – the waste disposal company for a cleaner tomorrow.

PreZero History Calendar Year 2021
Acquisition of Cespa

PreZero completes acquisition of Cespa, a waste management company operating in Spain and Portugal, taking over approximately 16,000 employees at about 140 sites.

Paper from OutNature in stores

Silphie paper can be found in packaging in Lidl & Kaufland stores for the first time. A cooperation with Procter & Gamble is launched, resulting in further sustainable packaging solutions.

PreZero participates in Expo 2020

PreZero presents its solutions for the circular economy as a sponsoring partner of the Baden-Württemberg House in Dubai.

Aerosol can with recycled content

Lidl sells for the first time a deodorant can made of 25 % aluminum recycled by PreZero Pyral. The deodorant can is the winner of the 2021 German Packaging Award.

Modern sorting plants

New sorting plants for lightweight packaging opened in Evergem, Belgium, and in Bremen (together with Nehlsen). Setback in Zwolle: The LVP sorting plant is largely destroyed in a fire.

Integration of SUEZ

With the acquisition of SUEZ sites in Germany, Poland, the Netherlands and Luxembourg, PreZero gains 7,200 new employees and 140 sites.

Recycled plastic products

Within the Schwarz Group, recyclates from PreZero are used for the first time to produce household products that are sold at Lidl and Kaufland.

Expansion in the USA

PreZero US opens new plastics recycling plant in Westminister, South Carolina. Roplast, a film manufacturer, was acquired.

PreZero Dual active throughout Germany

Since January 2021, PreZero Dual has been available to companies throughout Germany as a partner for the licensing of sales packaging.

PreZero Company History Calendar Year 2020
Acquisition of Suez Sweden

Successful acquisition of Suez Sweden with 1,100 employees and 50 locations.

PreZero Foundation

The GreenCycle Foundation is renamed the PreZero Foundation for a consistent brand identity.

WWF partnership

The partnership with WWF is extended on an international level and extended for another five years until 2025.

Allianz Arena partnership

PreZero is the official waste management and recycling partner of the Munich Arena.

Plastics Recycling Grünstadt

PreZero participates in the recycling plant in Grünstadt.

Brand world

In addition to PreZero, we establish new brands: PreTurn and OutNature.

Recycled plastics from California

PreZero US opens first LDPE recycling plant.

Further acquisitions

PreZero continues to grow with Komart in Poland and Aussieker & Stahlhut and Herbert Schulz container service in Germany.

Modern sorting facilities

While our state-of-the-art LVP sorting plant opens in the Netherlands, investments are made in further new facilities in Bremen and Evergem, Belgium.

Own Dual System

PreZero Dual is launched in seven German states for the time being.

PreZero Company History Calendar Year 2019
Exclusive partner of the Climate Arena

PreZero supports the unique experience center for climate change in Sinsheim as a sponsor and consultant for sustainability issues.

Recycling business for the first time

With Sky Plastic Group, PreZero takes over the leading company in the recycling of post-consumer plastics in Europe.

Consumer education campaign

Together with the geTon initiative, PreZero tours Germany and provides information on waste separation at Kaufland and Lidl stores.

Further acquisitions

PreZero deepens its value chain with HILLENERGY, Noll Biogas and Noll Entsorgung, and Lewedag.

PreZero Arena

We become sustainability partner of the TSG Hoffenheim stadium.

PreZero Company History Calendar Year 2018
Foundation stone for operational waste management business in Europe

Acquisition of Tönsmeier, Germany's fifth-largest waste management service provider.

Start of expansion

The first acquisition is made with the purchase of the American environmental services provider RMG Recycling.

The PreZero brand is created

A digital waste disposal platform goes online under the name PreZero.

PreZero Company History Calendar Year 2016
Expansion of the consulting business

GreenCycle begins to offer its expertise in waste disposal and recycling to external customers outside the Schwarz Group.

PreZero Company History Calendar Year 2012-14
Expansion in the Schwarz Group

GreenCycle expands its scope of activities to include the Kaufland retail chain and the Schwarz Group production plants.

PreZero Company History Calendar Year 2010-11
New business fields

Strategies for waste avoidance and recycling are in demand, and other recyclable materials such as PET bottles or films are being added.

PreZero Company History Calendar Year 2009

With GreenCycle, the Schwarz Group bundles waste disposal expertise in a subsidiary to manage Lidl's recyclables and transfer them into cycles.