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Moderne Recyclinganlage

Commercial & Industrial Waste Management

What makes commercial & industrial waste management different?

The goal is Zero Waste: The path is PreZero.

The challenges and opportunities posed by commercial and industrial waste differ greatly from municipal waste management. Not only in terms of total waste volume, but the diversity of material flows, production cycles, and internal processes that need to be accommodated.

Waste materials are inevitable in any production process. Common examples of industrial waste include cardboard, metals and organics, as well as harder-to-manage materials like hazardous and electronic waste (e-waste). However, waste materials are never without value.

PreZero is committed to finding and extracting that value. With a zero-tolerance approach to wasteful practices, we help companies build toward a world without waste.

Through our consulting services and operational infrastructure, we enable our customers to build new sustainable business models, as well as optimize existing processes. All while understanding the individual expectations and legal requirements of your company or industry.

Taking care of material flows is an opportunity for companies to differentiate themselves from the wider industry. Professional waste management means securing future material supply, ensuring regulatory environmental compliance, and meeting both stakeholder and consumer expectations for a more circular economy in which nothing is wasted.

What influences successful waste management?

Effective industrial and commercial waste management is dependent on several external and internal factors.

Externally, continually evolving regulations can often create a difficult-to-navigate and fragmented approach to waste reduction, separation, and resource recovery from one region to another. 

Internally, the complexity of holistic industrial waste management makes getting a clear picture of a company’s operation challenging. 

Both internal and external factors are compounded by challenges associated with sourcing alternative sustainable materials and accessing recycling operations capable of meeting the demands of modern industry. 

PreZero empowers sustainability managers with the consulting oversight and operational tools needed to reframe the waste proposition. With our expansive network of vehicles, sorting, and treatment plants working in tandem with our global waste experts, we are broadly positioned to assume responsibility for complex material flows wherever they are found. 

We recognize industrial waste management as an opportunity to introduce new value streams, distinguish forward-thinking companies, and remain one step ahead of mandatory regulations.
In most regions, customers can configure their ideal waste management solution directly from our online portal. 

Of course, we are also available for advice and to answer queries at any time. Contact us today and together we can help close the loop

Stapler Werstoffhof Kunststoff Ballen

Importance of proper waste management

Unlock new value chains and surpass industry expectations with optimized industrial and commercial waste management.

Those who prioritize proper waste management (both for materials used in production and for end-of-life treatment) can enhance value across the entire manufacturing chain and ensure production cycles are robust enough to succeed in volatile environments.

By assuming responsibility for material flows – from organic and plastics to hazardous and non-standard waste – we enable companies to meet their regulatory obligations while remaining efficient and saving costs, delighting stakeholders, and building toward a sustainable future.

Mitarbeiter Trio Wertstoffhof LKW Logo

Commercial & industrial waste management with PreZero

Advance down the path to a more circular economy and future sustainability through waste management best practices.

By doing so, clients who work with us can: 

  • Assume greater responsibility over their manufacturing in accordance with extended producer responsibility (EPR) laws.
  • Positively influence brand and product perception among increasingly sustainability-driven consumers.
  • Secure raw material sources through reliable material procurement at stable purchasing conditions.
Team Wertstoffhof Klemmbrett Besprechenung Trucks

Analysis & planning

Optimize your current waste management solution with PreZero. We start by analyzing your current situation and any company-specific requirements, including:

  • The types of waste being produced and in what quantities.
  • Current industrial and commercial waste disposal solutions, including recycling.
  • Optimization potential regarding resource usage and recovery, process efficiency, and associated costs.
  • Preparation for compliance with new regulations and certifications including becoming Zero Waste certified.

Our commercial and industrial waste management consultants then work with you to evaluate the best options available and establish a roadmap toward future sustainability.


Roadmap execution

Based on our analysis, our locally positioned experts support the development and implementation of new waste handling and value-creation processes.

Empowered by an extensive fleet of waste disposal vehicles alongside a diverse container infrastructure, our team provides the most appropriate commercial and industrial waste service solutions for almost any material stream.

Where PreZero is not yet active, we can organize waste collection services through our network of partners. Beyond the development and implementation of effective waste stream management, broad support is also available for achieving desired environmental certification. Whether as part of a Zero Waste initiative or just to increase sustainability, we prepare the necessary processes and audits, as well as the legal and internal documentation required for certification.

  • Inspection of the production sites
  • Documentation and presentation of waste streams
  • Recording the disposal processes
  • Documentation of recycling routes
  • Definition of system boundaries
  • Evaluation of the current sorting and separation concept, logistics, recycling processes, etc.
  • Environment analysis
  • Creation of basic documents (target matrix, ZW policy)
  • Optimization of sorting and separation process
  • Intralogistics optimization
  • Optimization of recycling processes
  • Communication & waste prevention plan
  • Development of recommendations for action
  • Implementation according to action plan
  • Continuous monitoring of success
  • Implementation of internal audit
  • Implementation of certification
  • Creation of an action plan to eliminate weaknesses and for further development
Zero Waste Certificates Trio

Get Zero Waste Ready

With our broad consultation and operational solutions, we are best placed to get your company ready for Zero Waste certification.

The Zero Waste Label certifies that an organization has gone to every length to reduce avoidable waste to zero, conserve natural resources, and maximize recycling efforts. In short, Zero Waste signifies to stakeholders and consumers that your brand is a global leader in sustainability and conservationism.

Find out more about the road to Zero Waste and contact us for how we can help you achieve certification.

Two Blue Collar Employees are working on their computers  in the office

Ongoing optimization

Continual analysis and optimization mean the most appropriate waste management solutions are always applied.

Company-wide training and education ensure every team and individual knows how to play their part in waste reduction. Digitization of waste sorting, recycling, and documentation make ongoing developments transparent. Meanwhile, our customer service portals, apps, and hotlines ensure a waste management expert is always available. 

As part of our ongoing audits, we can recommend additional solutions for industrial and commercial waste that further contribute to waste reduction and resource recovery. For example:

  • Sustainable Packaging: We support companies in the design of environmentally safe products in line with existing and future legal frameworks. 
  • OutNature: As a subsidiary of PreZero, OutNature produces sustainable end-consumer packaging alternatives from the renewable cup plant.
  • PreTurn: This PreZero subsidiary optimizes supply chains with a modern approach to pallet storage and transportation. 
  • Expansive network: PreZero’s waste sorting and treatment facilities are introducing our custom-fit recyclates to an ever-expanding range of industries. 

PreZero: Your reliable partner for industrial waste and recycling management

With close to a century of experience, PreZero is a global leader in commercial and industrial waste management.

We have the infrastructure and the expertise to manage almost any type of material flow as efficiently and sustainably as possible.

As well as the most common industrial solid waste streams like metals, plastics, and other organic waste, we also assume responsibility for more complex materials such as hazardous and infectious waste.

Depending on regional availability, we can also take care of water and petrochemical treatment and even offer industrial-grade cleaning services. PreZero consulting services help businesses identify opportunities to develop more circular processes efficiently and cost-effectively. Our operational services are then on hand to implement these value-adding propositions across material flows.

Whether through consulting or full management of your waste management solution, we help you reach your sustainability, regulatory, and certification goals.

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Locate PreZero services for industries in your region

Every company knows that waste is inevitable. What sets them apart is how much this waste is valued. We treat waste the right way. By eliminating avoidable waste and reintroducing materials back into the production cycle, we build toward a circular economy. Discover the consultation and operations services available in your region for industrial and commercial waste management.