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Compliance is more complicated than ever these days. In a global environment, the legal challenges are growing constantly, which is why we are constantly adapting our processes and systems to new legal requirements. To emphasize the importance of legal compliance, it has been enshrined in the company principle “We comply with the applicable laws and with internal guidelines”. Compliance is thus an integral part of our corporate culture. We operate a compliance management system so that you, as our customer, business partner or employee, have uniform and binding rules of conduct to follow. In order put our company principle into practice, we need to be able to identify potential misconduct at an early stage. This requires, among other things, that we be informed of potential compliance violations.

Compliance violations occur when applicable law or internal policies are violated by or vis-à-vis our employees in the performance of their duties. Such violations may take the form of crimes of corruption, competition/antitrust offenses, data protection violations as well as accounting, finance and tax offenses. We rely not only on our employees, but also on our customers and business partners to help us identify and prevent compliance violations. If you notice signs of a potential compliance violation, you can report them through various channels. But whatever channel you chose, rest assured that the report will be treated as strictly confidential and remain anonymous if so requested.

Compliance Officer

If you wish to report a compliance violation or have any questions about compliance, you can contact our Compliance Officer at: PreZero Stiftung & Co. KG Stiftsbergstraße 1, 74172 Neckarsulm, Germany, e-mail: compliance-int@prezero.com

Online reporting system

Compliance violations may also be reported via our online reporting system. The Compliance Officer will process all reports received. The online reporting system is an Internet-based application and can be accessed from any Internet-enabled device via the following link: to the online reporting system.

Legal confidant

You may contact our external counsel, Dr. Margarete von Galen, any time with information on corporate or employment-related crimes or administrative offenses. Dr. Margarete von Galen will carefully review the information you report and forward it to the Compliance Officer if there are concrete indications of any compliance violations. As the external counsel of our trust, Dr. Margarete von Galen is bound by a duty of confidentiality. She will not disclose your personal data to us unless you have given your express consent.

Dr. Margarete von Galen may be contacted at:
Dr. Margarete Gräfin von Galen Fachanwältin für Strafrecht
Mommsenstraße 45, 10629 Berlin
Tel.: +49 30 31 01 82 0 Fax: +493031018220
E-Mail: galen@galen.de

We investigate all reports of compliance violations carefully and confidentially and any proven misconduct is systematically and appropriately sanctioned. Please be advised that reports unrelated to compliance issues will not be processed.

Data protection information on reporting compliance violations via our reporting channels can be found here.