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Writing for a cleaner tomorrow.

New thinking for a circular economy

From practical tips for the consumer, to developments in the PreZero world, to industry news, up to issues that move people.

As of now, the PreZero International blog will provide you with information on topics from the circular economy, waste and recycling management, as well as environmental and resource protection.

We hope you enjoy reading this blog and can gain some valuable insights!

organic waste green background

Organic Waste - An Untapped Resource

From kitchen scraps to garden clippings, organic waste often goes unnoticed in our daily lives. Everyday activities like cooking and gardening continually contribute to this stream. But what if we viewed this "waste" as a sustainable resource? By managing organic waste in the right way, we can transform it into valuable solutions like compost and energy, or even produce nutritious feed for animals. 


Adopting Circularity in Business

Strategies for a Resilient Future

As the European Green Deal drives companies towards greater sustainability, the introduction of circular economy practices becomes crucial. Reducing waste and reusing materials are critical to conserving resources and reducing emissions. Innovative pioneers such as COMPO and PreZero are demonstrating the benefits of the circular economy with their strategies and strong partnerships. Collaboration is key to achieving these sustainability goals. Our eBook contains practical steps to help companies integrate circular principles and achieve Green Deal goals. Start your journey to a sustainable future today.


Blazing a trail – innovative solutions to reduce the risk of battery fires

Our goal: Identify innovative ways to boost safety in the recycling industry 

You don’t have to look very far to find a story about a small and seemingly insignificant wayward battery causing a big problem. These days, our news channels and social media feeds regularly include reports of fires in waste collection vehicles and waste disposal facilities – and batteries that have not been disposed of correctly increasingly turn out to be the culprit.

May 05, 2024

Arbeitssicherheit und Arbeitsschutz

Health & Safety First: PreZero's Zero-Accident Strategy

At PreZero, the safety and well-being of our employees are our top priorities. Despite daily precautions, they are still frequently exposed to various hazards in the workplace. What really causes accidents at work? And what measures do we take to prevent them? Find out in this article. 

April 28, 2024


GoZero: Love at Second Sight

Valentine's Day is the perfect chance to connect with others who share your values and interests. Yet, the concept of finding the perfect match isn't exclusive to romantic adventures on special occasions. Matchmaking applies just as effectively in the world of free enterprise, exemplified by our GoZero app. Since its launch in 2023, GoZero has been redefining the circular economy by matching surplus materials with individuals or businesses eager to repurpose them. This innovative marketplace plays a crucial role in reducing waste and simplifying the reuse and recycling of materials and goods.

February 14, 2024


Corporate Responsibility in Action – at All Levels

In a world that's changing faster than ever, where sustainability is not just an option but a vital necessity, corporate responsibility towards people and the planet is gaining more public attention. For the PreZero Group, which has seen rapid international growth in recent years, long-term thinking and acting responsibly are integral to our corporate culture.

January 24, 2024



Bravo Europe!

How Circular economy becomes reality

The EU Commission's proposal for a new packaging regulation ("Packing and Packaging Waste Regulation, PPWR") is a major and important step on Europe's way to a sustainable circular economy. PreZero supports the EU's goal of making all packaging reusable or recyclable in an economically viable manner by 2030.

December 12, 2022

Foto_Messe Düsseldorf, Constanze Tillmann_4

Based in Baden-Württemberg, but at Home All Over the World.

PreZero makes its presence felt. In the suitcase: Innovative solutions for the future.

At Expo 2020 in Dubai, IFAT 2022 in Munich, the Ecsite Conference in Heilbronn and K 2022 in Düsseldorf, dreams of the future are on display. Whether innovative materials, new energy concepts, or digital sales channels: top companies are setting the agenda by discussing the world of tomorrow today.

March 14, 2022

Silphie Einzelhandel Displays Procter Gamble Zusammenarbeit

Rethinking collaboration

PreZero and Procter & Gamble join forces to launch displays made from silphia paper

With the fiber of the silphia plant as raw material and Procter & Gamble, one of the world's largest consumer goods manufacturers, as partner, PreZero and its OutNature brand have committed themselves to the mission #papierverändert. The product and cooperation were presented at one of Germany's biggest stages on the subject of environmental protection and transformation: the 14th German Sustainability Award in Düsseldorf at the beginning of December.

January 4, 2022

Schildkroete Meer Plastiktuete WWF Kooperation

Two innovators paving the way to a new economy

Act together, teach together: WWF and PreZero have for years been environmental protection’s dynamic duo

Ongoing climate change, excessive wasting of resources and garbage strewn on land and especially in the sea. Environmental problems in the 21st century are diverse and complex – with both short and long-term components. It is precisely this diversity that defines the cooperation, first as part of a joint Baltic Sea voyage to recover ghost nets, then extended in 2020 for a further five years and expanded internationally.

July 26th, 2021

Haende Kunststoffrezyklat blau Nahaufnahme

Nothing to lose!

The ideal of an optimal recycling economy

Like the phoenix from the ashes: The ideal of an optimal recycling economy resembles the legend of the mythical bird. Here again, the beginning and the end meet other to form an infinite cycle where what is apparently lost arises again. With its divisions, brands and the vision of a cleaner tomorrow, PreZero has focused entirely on this idea.

June 25th, 2021

PreZero Truck Landstrasse Wald Feld

PreZero Acquires SUEZ Employees and Locations

A successful outcome: PreZero begins integrating SUEZ locations in the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Germany, and Poland

PreZero has successfully completed the acquisition of SUEZ disposal and recycling locations in the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Germany, and Poland.

June 1st, 2021

PreZero Truck Kommunale Entsorgung Mitarbeiter gelbe Saecke

Good throw!

Only precisely separated waste becomes high-quality recyclable material again

Recycling is not just a business model for PreZero, but a sustainable social vision. That’s why we’re regularly involved in awareness campaigns for consumers with the aim of spreading the word on optimum waste separation – as shown by the current initiative “Mülltrennung wirkt” (EN: Waste separation has an effect!)

May 1st, 2021

Earth Hour Kampagne Visual

Lights out, climate protection on!

“Learn to switch off” – and help the environment

Visible from space, huge coverage in social media and bringing together almost 200 nations for a good cause: For Earth Hour this Saturday PreZero will also be switching the lights off, thereby showing its commitment to climate protection and a living and lively planet.

March 27th, 2021