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Zero waste, 100 percent reusable material

Our vision is a world in which resources are no longer wasted thanks to closed loops.

PreZero’s Dual business unit is our contribution to a future-oriented circular economy, which we actively want to help shape.

PreZero Dual

Sustainable business

We are convinced that recyclability and closed-loop recycling are important pillars of a sustainable economy in which the Earth’s natural resources are preserved and appreciated.

All throughout Europe, product manufacturers are held responsible not only for their products but also for their packaging in terms of avoidance, reusability and recycling. With our Dual business unit, we partner with you to fulfill this responsibility.

By using existing waste management structures effectively and taking innovative approaches to their expansion, we aim to actively participate in shaping and advancing the measures required by the EU to further develop the recycling economy.

Recyclability and closed-loop material cycles are important pillars of sustainable business.

Services & Products at a glance


Simply license your packaging online

You want to bring your packaging to market - but what do you have to pay attention to when licensing? Our licensing team provides assistance on all aspects of product stewardship and helps you to successfully license your packaging products. With the license calculator, we offer you a tool that guides you to the licensing request with just a few clicks.

Mitarbeiter Wertstoffhof LKW

Packaging Management

With us, your packaging can fully develop its sustainability potential. Our packaging management analyzes your packaging with regard to recyclability and provides you with comprehensive advice on your options. Get in touch with our packaging experts and reconcile economy and ecology with your individual project.