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Lights out, climate protection on!

“Learn to switch off” – and help the environment

March 27, 2021

Visible from space, huge coverage in social media and bringing together almost 200 nations for a good cause: For Earth Hour this Saturday PreZero will also be switching the lights off, thereby showing its commitment to climate protection and a living and lively planet.

For 364 days a year, we don’t even think about it. However, pressing the light switch tomorrow sends an important message. On March 27, 2021, lights around the world will be “switched off” for one hour as part of the Earth Hour organized by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) – and PreZero is joining in.


From local campaign to global event

What makes Earth Hour special: the event brings individuals, cities and companies together. Everyone can join the initiative by committing to “lights out” – and the numbers are growing. Nearly 500 cities, towns and villages are taking part in Germany alone, and that’s before the thousands of individuals and hundreds of companies.

Kerzen Berg Gruppe Earth Hour

And the event can tell a success story on a global scale: In 2020, despite the COVID-19 pandemic, a record 190 nations participated in the event. This has turned Earth Hour, which was launched in 2007 as a local campaign in Sydney, into one of the largest environmental initiatives ever.


From stadiums to sorting plants: WWF partner PreZero will “shut down” for one hour

As a partner to the WWF, the environment services division of the Schwarz Group is linked to the World Wildlife Fund For Nature by the common goal of working to protect the environment on several fronts, such as fighting plastic waste in the world’s oceans. PreZero has repeatedly participated in the Earth Hour campaign.

Various buildings will have their lights turned off, with the stadium lighting at the PreZero Arena, home to partner TSG Hoffenheim soccer club, the most notable among them. The company will also turn off its illuminated advertising signs at other large-scale plants – the energy plant in Bernberg and the plants in Bernburg, Oppin, Hamm and Porta Westfalica. PreZero and TSG Hoffenheim will also appeal to its employees and fans of the soccer club to turn off their lights for one hour.

#Lights out. Climate protection on!

How individuals, companies and cities can participate in Earth Hour

For those looking to participate in Earth Hour, either as an individual or as a company, here is a simple option: With just one click on https://www.worldwildlife.org/pages/earth-hour, you can access the registration form and find out the best way to prepare “your” Earth Hour and keep up with the course of events in real time.

Earth Hour and more:
The #Connect2Earth concept

WWF launched the #Connect2Earth concept along with its 2018 Earth Hour campaign. The open-source campaign supplements the Earth Hour with various topics and is designed to encourage people to make positive changes to their everyday lives and persuade heads of state to establish sustainable policies and actions. The campaign also includes various upcoming events around the world, such as the World Environment Day, World Rainforest Day, World Tourism Day and the International Day for Biodiversity.