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Promising prospects for the waste at BUGA 23


PreZero Gondel auf dem BUGA Gelände in Mannheim im PreZero Design und mit dem Aufrduck "Kreislaufwirtschaft. Von oben betrachtet 'ne runde Sache.

As a partner of this year's German National Garden Show in Mannheim, PreZero is supporting the exhibition's sustainability concept.


Neckarsulm, 30.03.2023. PreZero is partnering with this year's German national garden show (“BUGA”= short for “Bundesgartenschau”) in Mannheim. From April 14th to October 8th, 2023, the international environmental service provider will be part of the garden exhibition at the Spinelli site and Luisenpark. One topic is particularly in focus at BUGA 23: sustainability. Therefore, PreZero is relying on a partnership with content. Together, a comprehensive waste management concept was developed, from waste containers to sustainable logistics. Visitors are also actively involved: Separation instructions provide information on waste sorting, and in the toilet facilities, everyone can contribute to the recycling of paper towels. In addition, guests can look forward to the presentation of the Silphie plant as a raw material and energy supplier in the energy sector. Lastly, with the specially designed cable car gondola, PreZero demonstrates that thinking in circular systems together is the key to a clean future.


Holistic waste management

BUGA 23 has made responsible use of natural resources a top priority, reflected in its main themes of climate, environment, energy, and food. Waste management is also an integral part of the event's environmental strategy, and this is where PreZero comes in. To optimize the recycling of all generated waste, a waste management concept was developed together. At 15 collection stations in the visitor area, recyclable materials such as packaging materials and waste paper are separated from other residual waste. Separation instructions on the containers sensitize visitors directly on-site. In addition, the containers have an automatic press and fill level measurement system. This reduces the waste volume and minimizes emptying intervals.


The paper loop for the toilet facilities

True to the motto “Innovation is created by collaboration”, PreZero also bundles its expertise with the hygiene paper manufacturer Essity and its brand Tork. Both companies show together how waste reduction and recycling work in the hygiene sector. In the 30 toilet and washroom containers, guests are made aware of Tork PaperCircle® and the correct separation of paper towel waste. The used paper towels are collected separately by PreZero and then processed into new hygiene paper products from Tork in a circular system. In a show container, BUGA 23 guests can find out more about Tork PaperCircle® and its positive contribution to protecting the environment.


OutNature: From plant to paper

That PreZero can do even more when it comes to paper becomes clear when guests come across the silphie field in the energy area of BUGA 23. Here, the company shows its most flowery side with its brand OutNature. OutNature develops and distributes innovative and sustainable fiber and paper products based on the silphie plant. The yellow-flowering all-rounder plant presents its full potential at BUGA 23. Because: Previously grown exclusively as an energy crop for the production of electricity, gas and heat, the silphie fibers are also suitable for paper production. This relieves, among other things, the resource wood, shortens transport routes due to regional cultivation and thus saves CO2. Visitors can find more information on the four information boards at the silphie field in Spinelli Park. And also the brownish paper from the plant can be seen in various places such as in gastronomy. So it’s worth keeping your eyes open.


„A round thing from above“

Attentive guests will also not miss the BUGA 23 cable car, which already shapes the cityscape of Mannheim. The cable car, powered by green electricity, is part of the sustainability concept. 64 gondolas connect the two exhibition grounds with each other - one of them was co-designed by PreZero. “When designing the partner cabin, we deliberately refrained from advertising our services. We want to make BUGA 23 guests curious about the topic of circular economy. Everyone knows it, everyone sees it: We have to do something against the resource waste on our planet. A functioning circular economy can make a decisive contribution here. Those who think in loops instead of value chains take responsibility and see waste as a valuable raw material - a recyclable material. With this we want to stimulate thought and hope for a lively exchange throughout the BUGA period and beyond.” explains Thomas Kyriakis, CEO of PreZero from Neckarsulm. So you read on the PreZero gondola in lofty heights: “Circular economy. A round thing from above.”


For more information about PreZero, visit www.prezero-international.com/en/press.

More about BUGA can be found on the BUGA website at www.buga23.de/englisch.


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