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International kick-off for the digital packaging transformation initiative


From left to right: Julia Lettner (SPAR), Christian Stiefsohn (Packaging Cockpit), Roland Weisch (SPAR), Hermann Fasching (ARA), Jürg Hofer, Natalie Englert (Schwarz Group), Martin Weick (Schwarz Group), Simone Balogh (PreZero), Kathrin Tabor (Packaging Cockpit), Kerstin Jahn (ARA), Manfred Tacker (Circular Analytics), Dr. Ernst Krottendorfer (Packaging Cockpit)

Neckarsulm, January 31, 2025. Starting signal for uniform and efficient data management for the packaging revolution. The international working group for the short-term implementation of uniform industry standards for packaging data met in Munich last week. The initial aim is to develop standards for Germany and Austria that will pave the way for directive-compliant and efficient reporting on the sustainability requirements of packaging throughout Europe.


For the first time, cross-company retail representatives, including those from SPAR and the Schwarz Group companies, will come together to define workstreams and technical details. Altstoff Recycling Austria AG (ARA) is also taking part as another representative from the circular economy. The digital packaging transformation initiative was initiated by Packaging Cockpit GmbH and PreZero.


In light of the imminent upheaval in the packaging market, digital standardization is absolutely essential. According to EU regulation PPWR, all packaging must be recyclable and meet other strict sustainability requirements by 2030. Supermarkets and retail chains are currently faced with the problem that a lot of packaging data is incomplete, non-transparent and not standardized. This makes it considerably more difficult to analyze, manage and comply with packaging reporting requirements. Without accurate and consistent data, companies cannot make informed decisions to optimize their packaging strategies and make them more environmentally friendly. The focus here is on the legal and technical feasibility of a new packaging design, as many ideas that initially sound good fail the reality check.


Last year, PreZero added the Sustainable Packaging Optimization Tool (SPOT) to its existing range of services for promoting the sustainability of packaging. In cooperation with the software provider Packaging Cockpit, a web-based, free solution was created with which market participants can compare different packaging variants in detail in order to comprehensively optimize their own portfolio. In addition to material and design, the tool also takes into account the disposal structures of all EU countries when evaluating the recyclability of packaging - making the differences between countries visible and comparable.


While a web-based solution is ideal for many companies and represents an important step towards a sustainable packaging portfolio, the question of integration into existing IT systems arises for large retail companies in particular. The more complex the packaging portfolio, the more important it becomes to network an analysis and reporting tool for packaging with the existing ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) or PIM (Product Information Management) system. The software solution from Packaging Cockpit can be easily adapted to the specific requirements of companies. The digital packaging transformation initiative will specifically examine which specific adaptations are necessary for companies and in which areas standardization can contribute to greater efficiency throughout the entire value chain.


"Time is pressing to establish a standardized data structure in packaging management. That's why we, as the Schwarz Group's environmental service provider, want to actively promote and help define a cross-industry standard," explains Alexander Reitz, Team Leader Customer Development & Consulting at PreZero. "With our partner Packaging Cockpit, we have the opportunity to actively shape the standardization of data structures, terms and processes for all supply chain stages quickly and practically and to meet the upcoming requirements smartly and efficiently."


Greater uniformity in the digital recording and transfer of packaging data also means less effort and great relief for suppliers. Packaging Cockpit is also easy to use, which leads to greater acceptance and makes global implementation possible. In various working groups of the digital packaging transformation initiative, selected experts from the fields of data and process management, supply chain integration, sustainability and packaging from retail chains such as SPAR, the retail divisions of the Schwarz Group and companies such as ARA are beginning to drive these goals forward.


More information about PreZero can be found at our press portal.


Caption (from left to right): Julia Lettner (SPAR), Christian Stiefsohn (Packaging Cockpit), Roland Weisch (SPAR), Hermann Fasching (ARA), Jürg Hofer, Natalie Englert (Schwarz Group), Martin Weick (Schwarz Group), Simone Balogh (PreZero), Kathrin Tabor (Packaging Cockpit), Kerstin Jahn (ARA), Manfred Tacker (Circular Analytics), Dr. Ernst Krottendorfer (Packaging Cockpit)


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